Latest Bathroom And Kitchen Renovation Products – Home | OnTap Water Filters

Latest Bathroom And Kitchen Renovation Products

Our home is not just our small little safe haven anymore. Keeping up with current times, we want our homes to be smart, elegant, relaxing, and comfortable. If they do not meet those expectations, it is usually time for some renovation. Kitchens and bathrooms are probably the two spots more likely to get renovated because sometimes that is all it takes to revamp your home and life. If you are planning something similar, read on to find out the latest trends in both that you could incorporate.

Latest Kitchen Trends

Kitchen interiors have evolved to accommodate their evolved utility in our lives. We no longer just cook in the kitchen; it also works as our eating spot, sometimes even workstation.
Current color trends are more in favor of lighter, more soothing shades for the kitchen, that was formerly deemed too high maintenance. Brighter feels and aesthetics are in high demand. Everyone is favoring larger, preferably double sinks over single, given the scope for multitasking. The fixtures need to be sleek but also functional, so beauty is maximized but convenience is not compromised along the way. A touch of ‘smart’ is what everyone wants, so intuitive sensor faucets are all the rage. Since space is a constraint that we all need to work around, smaller ovens are gaining leverage over bigger ones.

Latest Bathroom Trends

Bathrooms need to be or at least feel luxurious and relaxing, look beautiful, and also have a touch of ‘smart’ in them. Along with lighter colors, people are mindful of the designs of their tubs and prefer deeper ones because a good soak in the bubble bath is what they are looking for. Additionally, shower sizes are expanding, and also sleek and movable shower heads are in demand. Smart controls on the shower and a touch of technology are modern and extremely welcome.
Modern interior designs are all about going beyond the conventions, maximizing the utility of every space, and doing so with a touch of technology, delivering personalized solutions. As people’s lives get busier, they want homes that come equipped to feel like a food joint, a spa, or an office, whichever they need, whenever.
For the latest range of Kitchen and Bathroom wear, check out our collection. Order what you like and wait while we deliver it to your door, in the shortest time possible.

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